Wednesday 2 December 2015

Blood city

Blood city

Ok ok bloob city is a city where lots of people live that have problems with blood. ‘ Lets get over that’ well lets get onto the story ok, this is me I am a boring handsome Vampire that has four red teeth on the top and sixteen gray teeth every where  else ok yyyyyyyy eeeeeeeeeeee rrrrrrrrrr well that is my teeth. My hair is bright orange with a mohawk yyyyyyyyy eeeeeeeeee rrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I were a grubby blue top and some grubby red over rolls over the blue top. Well my feet are rather small they turn purple  when it is hot or warm, when it is cold they go yellow. The rest of my body is a green colour.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sonya, great work! I really like the way you wrote the word in the colour that it is. Your next step could be to fix some spelling mistakes.

    From Joseph L
